Island library to move to Lutheran Church

Temporary quarters set for 2014 remodel of building interior.

When renovation begins at the Mercer Island library sometime early next year, a temporary location will open at the Trinity Lutheran Church, mostly for picking up and dropping off books.

$1.6 million has been set aside for the renovation, which is scheduled to begin the first quarter of 2014. Though the footprint of the building won’t change, a remodel of the interior is planned. Design plans are still being finalized, said Greg Smith, project manager for King County Library Systems (KCLS). During construction, books will be boxed up and stored at KCLS’ distribution facility.

The renovation is funded by a bond issue passed by voters in 2003 and will largely function as an update, improving acoustics and installing new windows. During a meeting earlier this year, representatives from KCLS and architecture firm Miller Hull, said the final product would maintain the existing character.

A community meeting is to be held later this month.