I have been reading the Reporter since 1993. I am generally not in favor of newspaper format changes, but I have to say I like the new format.
My only (small) complaint is the mailing label covers whatever little picture and caption you have in the lower right corner. Would be nice if you could figure out a way to relocate one or the other. Otherwise — well done.
Robert Lefton
Editor’s Note: We have had many comments regarding the mailing label on the front page. Not only do they seem to cover valuable text and art, but they are often crooked.
What is going on?
First and foremost, we are bound by the many rules and regulations of the U.S. Postal Service, which dictates not only the size of the labels, but their exact position on the page.
The space set aside for the label covers a small photo and caption to preview a story that will appear on an inside page. The information and the photo are included in the later section, so nothing is left out.
We cannot leave the space blank because many of our papers are sold at newsstands without the labels.
Finally, the labeling machine at the press tends to ‘drift’ as the run progresses. Our press operators, some of the best in the business, are continually tweaking it to perform better.
We welcome your comments. E-mail them to editor@mi-reporter.com.