Celebrating a baseball victory

Mercer Island High School (MIHS) player Shane Deguchi and coach Garrett Poore (both center) celebrate the final out in the Islanders’ 3-0 baseball victory over Lake Washington High School on April 26 at Island Crest Park. Both teams share the 3A KingCo title with 10-2 records and will begin play in the league tournament on May 6 at Bannerwood Park in Bellevue. Earlier in the season, all teams drew straws in case of a tie and LW won the draw and is the No. 1 seed in the tournament and MIHS will get the second seed. At the MIHS Fan Appreciation and Alumni Night on April 26, school Class of 1985 alumnus and former pro pitcher Dave Wainhouse threw out the honorary first pitch. There were at least 300 spectators at the game, an estimated 150 hot dogs and 80 hamburgers sold and many prizes given away such as MIHS Baseball blankets, hats and sweatshirts. Photo courtesy of Kym Otte