Comments due for the 2009 – 2014 Transportation Improvement Plan
The City of Mercer Island is currently seeking comments for the 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The plan covers roadway, pedestrian, bicycle and other transportation projects set for the six-year period beginning in 2009.
Public comments and suggestions for transportation improvements must be submitted by April 19 if they are to be considered by the Mercer Island City Council.
State law requires that the plan be updated and adopted by elected officials annually (before July 1). Plan adoption by the City Council takes place following a public comment period and a public hearing. The City Council will hold its public hearing at a meeting on May 19 at 7 p.m. The TIP is scheduled for adoption at the Council’s regular meeting on June 2.
Please contact Nancy Fairchild, Transportation Planner, if you have any questions at 275-7740 or by e-mail at