My name is Jessie Carroll and I am in second grade.
My teacher gave us an assignment to do a community service project. But this is not just for school, I would do this anyway. I am doing this to protect everybody who lives in this neighborhood. My project is to ask people to drive slowly on Avalon Drive. When spring and summer come, everybody drives really fast to go to the Beach Club and it is not safe! Could you print this in your newspaper to tell everybody that they need to drive slowly when they go to the Beach Club because there are lots of people biking, walking, and playing in this neighborhood. I held a “SLOW” sign on Friday, May 29, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. with my mom, brother, sister, my dad and my two dogs, Buddy and Holly. Thank you so much for helping. This will make my family and friends and all my neighbors a safer place to live.
Jessica Carroll