New bill to add more protection against violence
Re: Extreme Risk Protection Order (HB 1857)
Would you like to protect your community from a madman with a gun? Of course you would! All our children deserve protection. A recent Washington State House bill (Extreme Risk Protection Order) was designed to provide a legal mechanism with due process to temporarily remove guns from a person exhibiting dangerous behaviors.
It sounds like a pretty sane idea. A similar law was passed in California following the Isla Vista shooting of college students. Mercer Islanders are fortunate that our two House Representatives, Tana Senn and Judy Clibborn, were supportive of this bill. But NRA “A-rated” Rep. Pat Sullivan from Covington allowed the bill to languish without a vote in his committee. He let the clock run out…on all of us. Shameful!
Cornelia Schneider