Sustainable Mercer Island recently conducted a survey on community sustainability with the Mercer Island candidates for City Council and School…
Kristen Hemke started her job Aug. 9.
A Federal Way man was arrested Aug. 4 for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.
About 93.3% of Mercer Island residents ages 12-19 have completed the vaccination series.
In Washington, schools have seen parents protest and threaten to remove their children from schools.
Receive 50% off future admission and 20% off gift shop purchases.
Business owners on Mercer Island are also excited to see customers return in greater numbers.
Gabe Gottesman explores how his grandmother can fight Parkinson’s symptoms by staying active.
Story follows a group of teen delinquents across worlds filled with gods and monsters.
Mercer Island brothers run family’s organic vegetable farm.
Global shipment issues affect supply and sales of fireworks.