Act fast to stop council from adopting major code changes | Letter

A first-time ever incentive to build accessory dwelling units (ADU) and reduction of required parking are proposed as part of the changes to Mercer Island Residential Development Standards. Many Islanders may not be aware of this because such proposals are outside of the publicized scope of work for the code update, i.e. they do not address the topics that the City Council stated it would consider in determining if the residential standards should change to protect the character of Mercer Island neighborhoods. These two major items are already in the draft code, which is scheduled for adoption on July 17.

Builders would get an additional 5 percent gross floor area (GFA) for building an ADU. The draft code does not appear to prescribe how much of the GFA is allotted to the main house and to the ADU. Suffice to say, there would be two good-sized dwellings allowed on each lot on Mercer Island. I think this incentive will be widely used.

Second, required parking space would be reduced from three to two spaces. This proposal was not based upon any data showing reduced car ownership trends on Mercer Island.

People should know about these major proposals. It’s awfully hard to change zoning, but an incentive for ADUs would, if adopted, result in a major increase in residential density, all without most Islanders even knowing it was coming.

I don’t think it is fair or democratic. The council should stick to the scope of work that they publicized. A proposal to make a major change in residential density should occur in a public process dedicated to the topic and should be widely publicized. I will add that I am opposed to both proposals. Show up at the regular council meeting to testify or send comments to You will need to act fast.

Carolyn Boatsman

Mercer Island