The recycling center has historical value to many Mercer Islanders. It also has value to be used as a teaching center for the many young people today who are only familiar with RRR (reduce, reuse, recycle) at the curbside of their home. The road to take recycling to every house was a long and difficult journey and could not have been accomplished without the dedication of people like Harry Leavitt. The building and surrounding area have deliberately been left in poor visual condition for obvious reasons.
A reasonable building, built with private funds for Youth Theatre Network and that could accommodate other groups on the Island that are not getting attention or press, would be a good addition to the Island. I would be happy to support it. It could be a project that Islanders could work together for a common goal.
But Mercerdale Park is publicly-owned land, which cannot be replaced. The children and youth of Mercer Island need to experience a wonderful and joyous park as part of their growing up. All children on the Island do not have gardens/yards to play in, in particular children living in the apartments in downtown Mercer Island. And the many retired residents living downtown also need the park. It is a great place for interaction for multi-generations of residents. Mercerdale Park needs to be kept as a park. Once it is gone, it is gone forever.
Jackie Dunbar
Mercer Island