Chicken soup for heart disease

By DeAnn Rossetti

By DeAnn Rossetti

Dr. Vicki Rackner, Reporter health columnist, has help for those with heart disease in her new book, “Chicken Soup for the Soul, Heart Disease.” The volume is part of a four-book “Healthy Living Series.” Rackner has the lead story in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul, Breast Cancer” book as well.

“The `Chicken Soup’ books are all about stories,” Rackner said. “What’s new about this health series is that there’s medical information dispersed throughout the book.”

The first story in the book, “Drop Dead Gorgeous,” written by Almost Live’s Tracy Conway about her heart attack, is followed by an easy-reading essay on exactly what the heart does for your body. Following that is a questionnaire about readers’ risk for heart disease and a page to record thoughts, feelings, facts about risk factors and information on support, be it family or friends.

“I’m so excited about being the author of this book because here’s a condition to which you can rewrite the ending,” said Rackner. “The information between the inspiring stories will help you change the course of heart disease by making better (health) choices each day.”

Rackner, who has lived on Mercer Island since 1989, is a board-certified surgeon and clinical faculty member at the University of Washington School of Medicine and medical editor of the Hope Health Letter. She also works as a patient advocate with her own company, Medical Bridges, which focuses on offering bridges between patient and doctor, employer and employee and lifestyle and health. As a member of the National Speakers Association, Rackner gives lectures throughout the United States. She is also offering a six-part series of teleseminars.

“I want people who read this book to know that your day to day choices have a profound effect on your overall health, and that little changes and little steps can make a huge difference and you can turn your health around,” Rackner said.

She will deliver a lecture on “Affairs of the Heart: The Healing Power of Love,” followed by a book signing at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, at the Mercer Island Library. Ten percent of sales will be donated to Friends of the Library.

To hear Rackner’s teleseminar on “Bouncing Back from Illness” call 405-244-4000, extension 248. Dr. Her book can be ordered by calling 866-56-story, or at