“I DONUT drive impaired” event at MIHS

On Feb. 4, the Mercer Island High School’s S.A.F.E. Club hosted the “I DONUT drive impaired” event in conjunction with the Youth and Family Services MI Healthy Youth Initiative. During the lunch hour, MIHS students were invited to sign a pledge stating that they would not drive a car or ride in a car with someone who was impaired by alcohol, cannabis or other substances. After signing the pledge, students received a Krispy Kreme donut. Over 700 donuts were distributed at the event. Photos courtesy of Michelle Ritter

On Feb. 4, the Mercer Island High School’s S.A.F.E. Club hosted the “I DONUT drive impaired” event in conjunction with the Youth and Family Services MI Healthy Youth Initiative. During the lunch hour, MIHS students were invited to sign a pledge stating that they would not drive a car or ride in a car with someone who was impaired by alcohol, cannabis or other substances. After signing the pledge, students received a Krispy Kreme donut. Over 700 donuts were distributed at the event. 
Photos courtesy of Michelle Ritter

On Feb. 4, the Mercer Island High School’s S.A.F.E. Club hosted the “I DONUT drive impaired” event in conjunction with the Youth and Family Services MI Healthy Youth Initiative. During the lunch hour, MIHS students were invited to sign a pledge stating that they would not drive a car or ride in a car with someone who was impaired by alcohol, cannabis or other substances. After signing the pledge, students received a Krispy Kreme donut. Over 700 donuts were distributed at the event. Photos courtesy of Michelle Ritter

On Feb. 4, the Mercer Island High School’s S.A.F.E. Club hosted the “I DONUT drive impaired” event in conjunction with the Youth and Family Services MI Healthy Youth Initiative. During the lunch hour, MIHS students were invited to sign a pledge stating that they would not drive a car or ride in a car with someone who was impaired by alcohol, cannabis or other substances. After signing the pledge, students received a Krispy Kreme donut. Over 700 donuts were distributed at the event. 
Photos courtesy of Michelle Ritter

On Feb. 4, the Mercer Island High School’s S.A.F.E. Club hosted the “I DONUT drive impaired” event in conjunction with the Youth and Family Services MI Healthy Youth Initiative. During the lunch hour, MIHS students were invited to sign a pledge stating that they would not drive a car or ride in a car with someone who was impaired by alcohol, cannabis or other substances. After signing the pledge, students received a Krispy Kreme donut. Over 700 donuts were distributed at the event. Photos courtesy of Michelle Ritter