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The recipients of the Rotary International “Islander of the Month” October award are Mercer Island High School students Morgan Flake and Matthew Nathan.
Morgan Flake, daughter of Suzanne Skone, Charles Flake and Jim Jaime, is editor-in-chief of The islander, the Mercer Island High School newspaper; president and tutor of Kids Corps, a tutoring club; co-editor-in-chief of Pegasus Club, a literary magazine; a participant in MI Cross Country and a member of the National Honor Society. Flake coaches volleyball for the Island Thunder Volleyball Club, works with the National Charity League and volunteers with VOICE.
In her spare time, Flake writes, reads and runs. She plans to major in international studies or foreign language at a four-year college and would like to live abroad and become a foreign diplomat, teacher or employee at a non-profit organization.
Matthew Charles Nathan, son of Julie and Robert Nathan, is the captain of Mercer Island Varsity Tennis and is involved in the National Honor Society and Multicultural Scholars program at Mercer Island High School.
For two years, Nathan has served as the Seattle Nimratz chapter vice president who oversees Israeli affairs at United Synagogue Youth. He will graduate with honors from Hebrew High School in Seattle. In April 2007, he traveled to Israel and studied Jewish culture at Alexander Muss High School for two months. He also visited the Deep South, where he learned about the Civil Rights Movement.
Community service activities to Nathan’s credit include the first annual 2007 All Mercer Island Charity Tennis Tournament, Therapy Dog Training, Camp Solomon Schechter and Cispus Leadership Camp.
Nathan applied to Duke University in Durham, N.C., where he will study medicine, the social sciences or business if he is accepted. In his free time, he enjoys guitar, tennis, soccer, baseball, skiing and wakeboarding.