Mercer Island School District students said goodbye to summer break and went back to school on Wednesday, Aug. 30.
To prepare students for school, during the day on Aug. 23 at Mercer Island High School, freshman received their iPads and ORCA cards at Fees and Photos Day, while new teachers gathered during group sessions at New Teacher Orientation.
Islander Middle School also held a Back2School event on Monday, Aug. 21. Students were able to take a tour of the school, get school schedules, have ASB and school photos taken, order Spiritwear, sign up for fall sports, turn medications in to the nurse, pick up pre-ordered school supplies from HelpEduc8 and learn about community events. Sixth-graders received lockers and seventh- and eighth-graders received iPads.
The district encourages Islanders to share their photos on social media with the hashtag #MIFirstDay2017. For more, see