The Mercer Island High School drama department is exploring new terrain with this year’s winter play, “In the Burning Darkness.” Translated from acclaimed Spanish playwright Antonio Buero Vallejo’s 1950 masterpiece, “En la Ardiente Oscuridad,” the play focuses on a young man’s personal trials with blindness.
Mindy Jeppesen
Getting organized
Steve Pults
Nancy Hilliard
Around the Island
First doctor visits most important, set a tone
Travel took on a new twist for Lacie Simpson, a recent Mercer Island High School graduate, when she visited Saudi Arabia in January.
Bryan Welch
On Fitness
Terry Pile
On Careers
Debbie Schatzman
Living Green
Eileen Mintz
On Food
Nancy Hilliard
Around the Island
Linda Stephens-Urbaniak
On Gardening
Friends of the Needy provides food to homeless