Nancy Hilliard
Around the Island
Rebecca Mar
Mercer Island Reporter
42 homes added to market in 3 weeks
Islanders Tom Castor and Louise Wilkinson traveled to India to meet with friends and found themselves in the middle of a protest that led to a swift and harsh response by the Chinese authorities.
Joan Franklin
On College
Nancy Hilliard
Around the Island
A Jewish holiday’s tasty final course
The city is holding a drop-in meeting tonight, April 16, at the Community Center at Mercer View between 7 and 9 p.m. about the effectiveness of temporary improvements at the intersection of Island Crest Way and Merrimount Drive. For more information, please visit the project Web page,
Carrie Wood
Reporter Newspapers
Frances Wood
On Birds
Argentina is more than Buenos Aires, and Mercer Islanders traveling to Pampas Country have been hitting those “far pavilions” lately and happily.
Mercer Island Reporter
Joan Franklin