As members of the Concerned Citizens Committee, we have talked with hundreds of patrons outside the library about the upcoming remodel and closure. Each weekend, residents and visitors from off-island remind us of the central role the Mercer Island library plays in their lives and the lives of all our children. Many of you have shared your love of the special elements of the library, and your hopes that these will be preserved during the remodel.
Members of our Concerned Citizens group share your passion for our library, and have attended King County Library Service Board of Trustees meetings in January, February and March. Please join us for the April Board meeting at 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 30, at the Federal Way 320th Library, 848 S. 320th St., in Federal Way. The telephone is (253) 839-0257. Show the Board you support our goals of first, preserving the special elements of our library and next, shortening the closure time for updating the electrical, technology, and HVAC systems. We will be presenting the signed petitions asking KCLS to provide comparable library facilities when the library is closed, if it needs to be closed.
If you need a ride to the meeting, please email us at and we will arrange a ride for you.
Meg Lippert,
Secretary, Concerned Citizens Committee for the Mercer Island Library