Who have Puget Sound Blood Center donors helped recently? A 30-year-old man at UW Medical Center who underwent open heart surgery. A 60-year-old man at UW Medical Center who received an organ transplant. A 67-year-old woman at Swedish Hospital suffering from severe gastrointestinal bleeding.
A heart transplant was scheduled for Monday, March 4, locally. The average heart transplant requires 25 pints of blood but can go as high as 67 units.
One in 10 people entering the hospital need blood. PSBC has a stable and safe blood supply for anyone who needs a blood transfusion. They do so with the help of 900 generous blood donors every day.
A blood drive is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, March 10, at Herzl-Ner Tamid, located at 3700 East Mercer Way.
For information or to sign up for an appointment, email Carol Stockton with one or two preferred times at carols@h-nt.org.
Note that the staff takes lunch from 11 a.m. until noon.