Censure Bellevue High School football

"The Bellevue High School football cheating scandal is 'American Greed' at it worst."

The Bellevue High School football cheating scandal is “American Greed” at it worst!

Recent newspaper headlines should bring the immediate firing of Butch Goncharoff, Bellevue High School football coach. Or, at the very least, put on administrative leave along with the schools athletic director until a thorough investigation is has been completed into the financial records (who paid what) and academic record of Academic Institute Inc., in Bellevue. The startup funding should be part of the investigation. The donors and contributors to this school should be identified.

Teaching young impressionable minds to cheat is criminal!

Goncharoff got a slap on the wrist, just a two-game suspension for providing cash to a player when he should have been suspended for the season and the school banned from post season play.

I found John Harrison’s (former Mercer Island High School principal and now Executive Director of Bellevue Public Schools) comments to be cavalier; aiding and abetting a serious flaw in the system and, just plain very disappointing given his stellar career as a Mercer Island principal.

“None of our business,” he said. “We only care where they live.”

“They are not our students,” he said. “They happen to go to a private school that doesn’t offer a (football) program.”

Hogwash! Bellevue High School offered a Physical Education program (football) not offered by this sham institution.

I correct you Sir —they are in your charge as “Student Athletes” at Bellevue High School taking a physical education class, thereby bound by all the rules and regulations attendant to participating in any WIAA competitive sport which includes providing financial aid.

It is high time to clean up this mess. The WIAS must close this loophole immediately, conduct a comprehensive investigation into the 17 Bellevue High School football players who were offered a distinct advantage over other high schools in the state and should take the following action if there is one shred of evidence of chicanery:

1. Bellevue’s head coach and athletic director be fired immediately

2. Butch Goncharoff is banned from coaching in Washington State

3. Bellevue High School football is banned from postseason play for two years

4. Any booster associated with this mess be banned from any financial or booster club membership for two years.


David R. Evans

Mercer Island Football Booster Club President, 1988-89