Countywide burn ban in effect through September

A countywide fire safety burn ban has been declared, prompted by ground conditions and forecasts calling for continued dry weather.

A countywide fire safety burn ban has been declared, prompted by ground conditions and forecasts calling for continued dry weather.

This Phase 1 burn ban applies to all outdoor burning except for small recreational fires in established fire pits at approved camp grounds or private property with the owner’s permission. These fires must:

• Be built in a metal or concrete fire pit, such as those typically found in designated campgrounds;

• Grow no larger than three feet across;

• Be located in a clear spot free from any vegetation for at least 10 feet in a horizontal direction, including a 20-foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches; and

• Be attended at all times by an alert individual with immediate access to a shovel and either five gallons of water or a connected and charged water hose.

The use of gas and propane self-contained stoves and barbecues will continue to be allowed under the ban.

For more information on local fire restrictions, the public can call 1-800-323-BURN or visit the King County Fire Marshal Services Web site at: