Parents, students, school district administrators and city staff members gathered for the groundbreaking of the new Elementary No. 4 Tuesday, March 17 at the North Mercer campus.
With shovels in tow, some 11 students ranging in age from kindergarten to second grade led the way breaking into the dirt, serving as a symbol of the children building their new school.
“This is work that is symbolic,” Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano said. “These are children who will enter Elementary No. 4, and this is the school that they will learn in.”
Plano opened the ceremony saying the event marked “a very special day” for the school district. He mentioned the failing of the first school bond effort in 2012, and recognized School Board members for having “the foresight and the wisdom, and for bringing the community together” to get to Tuesday’s groundbreaking.
Plano spotlighted the efforts of Bill Hochberg, Carrie George and Kris Kelsay forming the first committee “to do the important work” for Mercer Island Public Schools.
“Without beginning that conversation, we couldn’t have gotten to the second bond, the second solution, that passed with nearly 75 percent [approval],” he said. “Without their leadership and their tenacity and ability to get out there and be brave in the face of a lot of opposition, that was an important step for us to take.”
Plano then recognized the volunteer group of Ralph Jorgenson, Sean Finley, David D’Souza and Jake Jacobson for their efforts after the second bond proposition was created.
He thanked various city staff members, with City Manager Noel Treat and Mayor Bruce Bassett in attendance, as were Councilmembers Debbie Bertlin, Benson Wong, Mike Cero, Dan Grausz and Joel Wachs, for their partnership throughout the process.
“It’s a spectacular moment for our community,” Mayor Bassett said. “My hat is off to the School Board and all the folks who worked on this. It’s been a huge journey and it’s an exciting moment.”
Plano saved his biggest thanks for construction manager Brandy Fox and maintenance and operations director Tony Kuhn.
“We simply wouldn’t be here without all of the extra time and effort, the shepherding and the help connecting with the city that they provided,” he said.