We unequivocally endorse Tracy Drinkwater for School Board Position No. 3.
As a teacher, tutor, technologist, businessperson, parent of highly capable and special needs daughters; career MI volunteer for schools and youth organizations; and an educational consultant advocating for children with exceptional needs – Tracy has the most balanced experience to bring to the board.
Her endorsements from philosophically diverse island professionals, teachers, school board members, community leaders, and city council members speak to Tracy’s superior qualification and her readiness to serve.
Tracy is many things, but one thing she is not is a politician – which matters in this election. With key leadership actions on funding, teacher retention and instruction, the new board needs to quickly form and get to work for island students. Tracy’s work in, for and with our schools makes her more effective immediately.
Tracy is a deeply inclusive and thoughtful professional — responsive to the community, collaborative and deliberative in her decisions. Mercer Island schools, students and families need Tracy Drinkwater for School Board.
Liz Callahan, Kathy Bauman, Marie Bender, Ann Borer, Elicia Elliott, Eric & Galen Hermelee, Melinda Leclercq, Sheri Li, Monique Liard, Kathy Middleton, Alison Monen, Derik Oakley, Beatriz Smith, Erin Underwood, Lori Wisenteiner, Bonnie Wojciehowski