Our nature parks are a great asset to Mercer Island, and Luther Burbank Park is the jewel of the Island.
Upper Luther Burbank Park has had two formal trails, and this month marks the opening of the third — a deep ravine trail.
Upper Luther is the 22-acre, 100-year-old forest south of I-90.
This new trail lies east of the BMX track and skirts the hillside northward down 107 constructed steps to the clear, flowing water course and a sandy bottomland at the park’s lowest point.
A second stage of the trail will eventually wind up the other side of the ravine to Shorewood Heights, which has generously offered to help create this trail link on their portion of land.
The trail is part of Luther Burbank Park’s Masterplan, approved by the City Council in 2006. Monies came from the King County Regional Parks and Trails Levy passed in 2007.
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust work parties bring in regional volunteers to join with Friends of Luther Burbank Park and other Islanders who have given their time over the years to make this a healthy and beautiful place.
Learn more at the city’s website at www.mercergov.org.