High School Late Start survey deadline this Friday
The Mercer Island School District (MISD) has an online survey for parents to provide feedback on the possibility of later high school start times.
“We want to get as much feedback from the community as we can,” said schools administrator Dean Mack.
The survey closes Friday, May 22.
For more, visit www.mercerislandschools.org/starttime.
MIHS students opting out of SBAC testing
Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano said the district was experiencing opt-outs for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Constortium (SBAC) test at Mercer Island High School. He estimated that more than 40 students declined to take the test.
Testing was scheduled to take place for MIHS juniors this week. Juniors at Nathan Hale High School in Seattle boycotted taking the test in April. Seattle Public Schools reported that 95 percent of juniors at Garfield opted out of taking the test.
Roosevelt and Ingraham both experienced high volumes of opt-outs as well.