Island swimmers shiver at 50th annual Polar Bear Plunge
January 4, 2017 12:30 pm
Polar Bear Plungers race back to shore to escape the frigid waters of Lake Washington at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporter
Continuing a longstanding Mercer Island tradition, Polar Bear Plunge swimmers jumped into the frigid water at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day.
It was the 50th anniversary of the Mercer Island Polar Bear Club event, started by Nile Clarke, a longtime teacher and cross country coach on the Island.
Eighty-seven-year-old Peggy Pomeroy chats with Polar Bear Plunge swimmers after their dip at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day. Pomeroy, the most senior polar bear, swims a mile three times a week. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporter
Helen Thacker, 7, of Renton, winces as she hits the frigid waters of Lake Washington at the Polar Bear Plunge at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day.
Polar Bear Plunge swimmers jump off the dock at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day. It was the 50th anniversary of the event, started by Nile Clarke. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporte
Polar Bear Plunge swimmers socialize after their dip at Clarke Beach on New Year’s Day. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporter
The footprints of the intrepid Polar Bear Plunge swimmers pattern a dusting of snow on the dock at Clarke Beach. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporter
Nile Clarke, third from right, a longtime teacher and cross country coach on the Island, poses with fellow Polar Bear Plungers on New Year’s Day at Clarke Beach. It was Clarke’s 50th appearance at the plunge he began 50 years ago. Matt Brashears/Special to the Reporter
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