Learn about employment law at March Chamber of Commerce lunch

Lawyer George Tamblyn is the featured speaker at the next Mercer Island Chamber event.

Longtime Island resident George Tamblyn and Mayor Debbie Bertlin are the featured speakers at the next Mercer Island Chamber of Commerce event, to be held from 12-1 p.m. on March 1 at the Community and Event Center.

Tamblyn, and two other lawyers from his firm, will summarize important and relevant aspects of Washington’s employment laws from both the employer’s and employee’s standpoint. A question and answer period will follow. Bertlin will provide a quick update on city news and happenings.

The luncheon is sponsored by Kathryn Lerner of Avenue Properties. RSVP by registering online through the chamber’s website under its calendar tab, or email info@mercerislandchamberofcommerce.org.