Letter | More details on Lindell case needed

Reassured by the Reporter’s editorial (June 29) that it will continue to report on the status and factors of our city lawsuits (notably, the lawsuit brought by former assistant city manager, Londi Lindell), I anticipate finding out what information in that case was withheld and by whom (elected official or staff or both).

Reassured by the Reporter’s editorial (June 29) that it will continue to report on the status and factors of our city lawsuits (notably, the lawsuit brought by former assistant city manager, Londi Lindell), I anticipate finding out what information in that case was withheld and by whom (elected official or staff or both), what might be underway as an appeal of the Public Records Act fine (when would that decision be made and at what cost) and what might we expect in the city’s (actions) conforming to the PRA now and in the future.

Myra Lupton