Mercer Island Community Calendar | April 1

Events Classics on Film: “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid,” 6:15 p.m., April 2, Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 S.E. 24th St. Film historian Lance Rhoades shares commentary. Free. 275-7609.


Classics on Film: “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid,” 6:15 p.m., April 2, Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 S.E. 24th St. Film historian Lance Rhoades shares commentary. Free. 275-7609.

Ellis Pond Environmental Restoration: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., April 4. Sign up to volunteer:

Evergreen State Open Judo Championships: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., April 4, Mercer Island Boys & Girls Club. Sponsor: Mercer Island and Emerald City Judo Clubs. Sensei Harold Yamada: (206) 618-5790.

3rd Annual Mercer Island Rat Show: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., April 4, VFW Hall, 1836 72nd Ave. S.E. Family activities, cakewalk, raffle, rat race, rats for adoption, rat supplies sale. Sponsor: RatsPacNW, nonprofit social welfare club dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. $3/adults, $2/children.

Passover Seders: 7 p.m., April 9, Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E. Mercer Way; reservations due April 3, 232-7115; 8:15 p.m., April 9, with Congregation Shevet Achim at Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. S.E.; led by Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld; reservations due April 2, RSVP to

2nd Annual Leap for Green! Earth Day Celebration: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., April 18, Community Center at Mercer View. For kids of all ages. Hula-hooping, music, art projects, movies and ways to take care of environment. “Early Bird” birding exploration, “Busy Beaver” north wetlands tour with Friends of Luther Burbank Park. Suggested donation: non-perishable food item for Mercer Island Food Pantry. Joy Johnston: 275-7791.


Effective Parenting in a Defective World: 7-9:30 p.m., April 3, New Hope International Church, 9170 S.E. 64th St. DVD class by Chip Ingram. Learn how to raise positive kids in a negative world; building relationships that bond; how to develop your child’s full potential. 275-1042,

Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES): through April 4, Mercer Island Country Club, 8700 S.E. 71st St. Yogic practices. Art of Living Foundation. Ages 14-18. Fee. Register: Aninda Mattoo: (206) 941-2038.

“Pre-Pesach Classes to Supercharge your Pesach”: 7-8:30 p.m., April 6, Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. S.E. Presented by Congregation Shevet Achim. Speaker: Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld. The community is welcome. Free.

“Understanding Important Resources for Russian-Jewish Genealogy”: 7 p.m., April 13, Stroum Jewish Community Center. Speaker: Michael Steinore. Learn how to locate, understand and utilize important sources of Russian-Jewish genealogy. Presented by Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State.

“Teen’s Perspective on Living Successfully with AD/HD as a Child and Teen”: 7-8:30 p.m., April 13, Mercer Island Fire Station, 3030 78th Ave. S.E. Speaker: Jill Murphy, ADD Coach. Sponsor: ADD Resources. Free.,

Infant/Child and Adult CPR Class: 7-9 p.m., April 14, North Fire Station, 3030 78th Ave. S.E. $15 by check or cash at event. Reservations: 275-7607.

“Into Political Revolution: The Overthrow of the Gods”: 6:30 p.m., April 23, Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 S.E. 24th St. Into the Ring with Perry Lorenzo series, Seattle Opera’s education director.

Ikebana Flower-Arranging: spring classes, 10 a.m.-noon, Fridays, through April 24, Community Center at Mercer View, $60/course. Sogetsu Mercer Island Branch. Fanny Yau: (206) 349-1137.

Topics in Practical Halacha: 7-8 p.m., Mondays, Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. S.E. Teacher: Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld of Congregation Shevet Achim. Free.

PUSH Exercise Class: 11:15 a.m., Fridays, through June, Community Center at Mercer View Dance Room. A mix of strength, sport drills, intervals, balance, flexibility, play. Instructor: Elizabeth Andrews. $20/drop-in. (206) 922-3218.

Mary Wayte Pool swimming lessons: 9:30 a.m., 10 a.m., through April 3. Five lessons. $38. (206) 296-4370.


Mercer Island Visual Arts League (MIVAL): meeting, 12-2 p.m., April 2, MI Library. Speaker: Lynn Fleming, an acrylic, water color and pastels artist. The public is welcome. Arts Scholarship application is due April 6 from interested high school seniors; see teachers for paperwork or call Susanne Foster at 232-9185.

Pacific Northwest Audio Society: meeting, 7:30 p.m., April 9, Mercer Island Congregational Church basement, 4545 Island Crest Way.

Mercer Island Historical Society: 1 p.m., April 20, Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 S.E. 24th St. Speaker: Ron Mitchell, Island beekeeper. Topic: honey bees. 236-3274,

MI Covenant Church Knitting Group: last Monday of month. Knitting/crocheting garments for Russian orphans. Accepting contributions of leftover wool yarn, acrylic, needles, unfinished projects. Sallie: (425) 881-7210.

Toddlers of Mercer Island (TOMI by MIPA): 10-11:30 a.m., Tuesdays, VFW Hall, 1836 72nd Ave. S.E. Ages 0-6. $3/child, MIPA members; $5, nonmembers.

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): 9:30-11:30 a.m., first/third Friday, MI Covenant Church. For mothers with children ages birth-K. Childcare provided.

Women Painters of Washington: “Bel Canto” gallery exhibition, April 1-30. Opening Reception: 6-8 p.m., April 2. 206 105th Ave. N.E., Bellevue. (425) 455-0607,

Senior Men’s Tennis Doubles: seeking players, 6:45-8:15 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Location: Seattle Tennis (Amy Yee) Center, 2000 MLK Way, and Homestead Field during spring. Al Skinner: 232-3450.


4400 88th Ave. S.E.


Registration required.

The Mercer Island Library will be temporarily closed during the morning of Tuesday, April 14, for staff training, and will reopen at noon.

Spring Book Sale: April 1-5, during library hours. Features fiction, non-fiction, hardback, trade, mass market and children’s books. Mercer Island Friends of the Library.

Spring Concert: classical guitarist Julian Catford, 3:30 p.m., April 5. Features a variety of guitar stylings including classical, Latin/Spanish and light jazz. Refreshments.

Poet’s Cafe: 7 p.m., April 28. Listen to the top 10 poets from the Mercer Island Library Teen Poetry Contest share their award-winning poems. Refreshments.


Talk Time: 7 p.m., Wednesdays, April 1-29. Improve speaking and listening skills in English conversation group.

Beyond the Basics of eBay Selling: 6 p.m., April 2. Learn advanced selling and photography tips, and best practices for creating compelling listings that will draw the most bids.

Mercer Island Library Saturday Matinee: “The Verdict” (1982), 1 p.m., April 4. “Road to Perdition” (2002), 1 p.m., April 18. Informative discussion with film historian, Lance Rhoades. Refreshments provided.

Basic Digital Photography: 2 p.m., April 5. How to shop for a digital camera, take more interesting photos.

Microsoft Word Computer Classes: 9 a.m. Microsoft Word Level I: April 9. Microsoft Word Level II: April 16.

“Searching the Internet for Beginners” Computer Class: 9 a.m., April 23.

“Global Voices: One World” Poetry Workshop: 2 p.m., April 26. In cooperation with Jack Straw Productions.

Opera Preview: “The Marriage of Figaro,” 7 p.m., April 29. Join opera lecturer Norm Hollinshead. Sponsor: Friends of the Mercer Island Library.


Story Time for Wonderful Ones: 10 a.m., April 1. Stories, songs, finger plays. Ages 12 to 24 months with caregiver.

Songfest: 11 a.m., April 7. Join Patrick Doherty for music with movement, singing, clapping. Ages 2-5.

Infant Blanket Story Time: 10:15 a.m., April 17. Bring a blanket. Ages 1-8 months with caregiver.

“There’s a Dinosaur in My Backyard”: 11 a.m., April 21. Join singer/songwriter Courtney Campbell for dinosaur songs, stories.

Baby Rhyme Time: 10:15 a.m., April 24. Ages 9-14 months.

Stories for Spring: Toddler Story Time, 10 a.m., April 28. Ages 2-3.

Springfest: 11 a.m., April 28. Preschool activities to celebrate spring. Ages 3-6.

Terrific Two’s Story Time: 10 a.m., Tuesdays. Stories, music, rhymes. Ages 2-3 with caregiver.

Preschool Story Time: 11 a.m., Tuesdays. Stories, music, puppets, Early Literacy alphabet activities. Ages 3-5.


Teen Zone: 1:45 p.m., Mondays, April 6-27. Hang out, do homework, play video games.

Poetry Workshop with Lorie Ann Grover: 3:30 p.m., April 8. Lorie Ann Grover, author of “Hold Me Tight” and “On Pointe,” helps teen poets transform life experiences into verse poetry. Collage and writing exercises.

SAT Practice Test and Strategy Session: 10:15 a.m., April 11. Take a full-length SAT practice test. Return at 10:15 a.m., April 25, for a comprehensive analysis from Kaplan.

Teen Advisory Board: 7 p.m., April 21. Voice opinions on teen materials, services, programs. Earn one volunteer credit hour.

Boys & Girls Club

2825 West Mercer Way


Registration is now open for summer camps, including Skyhawks Sports Camps, weekly themed daycamps for children ages 5-14, Science Adventure Camps, Art Camps, Lego Camps, Moviemaking Camps.

Make A Difference with Movie Making: 5-6:30 p.m., Mondays, through April 20. Class members will focus on documentaries, public service announcements. Learn editing, film techniques, interviewing processes. Ages 8-11. $100.

Movie Making Advanced – Media in Sports: 5-6:30 p.m., Tuesdays, through April 21. Trick photography, editing, storytelling techniques. Create short films, commercials. For students with prior multimedia experience. Ages 11-14. $100.

Parks & Recreation

Community Center at Mercer View (CCMV)

8236 S.E. 24th St.


Registration for spring and summer recreation programs and camps is open.

After-School Nature Program: Session 1, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Mondays, April 6-27, Craft Room. Hands-on, after-school programs with a Nature Vision Naturalist. Explore a nature topic, share a story. Snacks provided. Ages 4-9. $62.

Lil’ Ones Egg Hunt: 3 p.m., April 11, Mercerdale Park. Eggs, candy and prizes for everyone. Bring a basket. Find a golden egg for an “eggstra” special surprise. Ages 1-6.

Flashlight Egg Hunt: 8:30 p.m., April 11, Mercerdale Park. Ages 7-10. Bring a flashlight and basket.

The Art of Allegory Painting Workshop: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., April 4, 11, Art Room. For adult oil or acrylic painters. Guidance and critique given. Instructor: Claudia Zimmerman, Bring painting supplies, canvas no larger than 18-by-18 inches. $66.


Widow and Widowers Grief & Loss Support Group: 1-2:30 p.m., April 9. For senior adult men and women who have lost a spouse or partner in death. Free. Reservations: Betsy Zuber, 275-7752.

Senior Lunch at Covenant Shores: noon, Tuesday, Thursday. Reservations: call 275-7895, press 2, leave a message. $5.

Grocery Shopping Transportation: Wednesday morning. Call 236-3456, leave a message by 4 p.m., the day before. $1.