On behalf of the Mercer Island PTA Council, which includes representation from each school PTA, we are asking Islanders to continue their strong support for our schools by approving the two levy renewals on the ballot.
The levy renewals will provide for critical maintenance and upgrades across our school facilities,expand access to technology and provide for safe transportation. As renewals, Islanders willcontinue to pay the same tax assessment rate.
We believe the levies provide numerous benefits, including:
• Maintaining and prolonging the useful life of school assets, which ensures past investments will continue to provide service to our community, thereby maximizing the impact of our tax dollars.
• Supporting 21st century learning practices through the expanded, age appropriate use of technology, which (among other things) enhances student collaboration, allows teachers to more effectively personalize the learning experience, provides immediate access to primary source materials, and facilitates students’ creativity and innovation.
Technology, when appropriately utilized, is critical to developing the skills our children absolutely must have in order to succeed in the cognitive, global, digital world.
• Allowing the PTAs to focus their energy on other programs that enhance the educationalexperience, such as non-technology related teacher enrichment grants, classroom support, fieldtrips, after school clubs, parent education and community building events.
The levy renewals are common sense investments in our schools and were overwhelmingly approvedby Mercer Island voters in previous elections. Keep Mercer Island schools strong. Please vote yestwice for the levy renewals.
Jackie Brown and Debbie Hanson
PTA Council co-presidents