It is easy to confuse changing waste regulations — what can be recycled and what cannot. Allied Waste, which serves Mercer Island, divides the following products into two categories.
Must be empty, clean and unbagged:
Glass — bottles, jars; no lids
Metals — aluminum cans, tin cans; no labels
Paper — including catalogs, flattened cardboard, magazines, newspaper, telephone books, paper boxes (no liners), paper bags, file folders
Plastics — bottles, jugs, bags (bagged), pill bottles; no lids
Round dairy tubs
Aerosol cans
Animal waste, pet litter
Ashes (bagged)
Carbon paper, waxed products
Ceramics, dishes
Detergent boxes
Diapers (bagged)
Greasy car parts
Lids, bottle caps
Medical needles, sharps
Mirrors, window glass
Motor oil containers, empty
Paper towels, plates, napkins
Plastics/aluminum contaminated with food
Plastic/waxed cardboard
Plastic cups, plates, utensils
Styrofoam block, containers, packaging bubbles
Aluminum foil
Tissues, toilet paper
Toxic containers, empty/no residue
Factoria Transfer station
13800 S.E. 32nd St., Bellevue
Hours: Mon-Fri: 6:15 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.; Sat-Sun: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Household Hazardous Waste: Tues – Sun: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For more information: Allied Waste,