In the virtual realm this year, the Mercer Island Schools Foundation will present its fundraising Spring for Schools Showcase and Auction at 7 p.m. on April 25.
The free family event will feature KING5 TV news anchor and Mercer Island High School alumnus Steve Bunin. The program will highlight “the amazing things happening in our schools this year and will demonstrate how your gifts make a major impact on our district’s students and teachers,” reads the foundation’s site.
The online auction was set to open at 8 a.m. on April 19 and features local getaways, artwork by locals, tickets for Sounders, Kraken and Seahawks games and more. Bidding will close at 5 p.m. on April 26.
The Mercer Island School District will present its sixth annual Pathfinder Awards to Kathy Taylor, class of 1984, the state’s only forensic anthropologist; Mickey Rowe, class of 2007, who has become a national leader among performing actors with disabilities; and the late Hunter Goodman, class of 1988, who left a legacy of public service to the state.
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