Two Mercer Island residents have been named to the board of the Washington Business Alliance, a statewide organization created to bring a collaborative approach to public policy and recognize best practices in state and local government agencies.
The Island residents are Tom Leonard and Michael Sotelo.
Leonard is a prominent ski-area developer and former president of Crystal Mountain, and the top executive of several ski-area associations. He is also currently a board member at four privately held companies.
Sotelo is president of the King County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, co-founder of the Association of Washington State Hispanic Chambers, a founder of Plaza Bank of Washington and a leader in the Hispanic and Latino community in this state.
The Business Alliance seeks to bring a “reasoned, collaborative approach to public policy that transcends partisan politics.” The organization is in its second year running and plans by year-end to launch its ‘Win for Washington Awards,’ which will highlight best practices by government agencies as well as successful initiatives, which will be uncovered through conducting ‘Good Government Audits.’ The audits will look for success stories within government, examine the strategies used and encourage the continued employment of successful strategies.
The Win for Washington Awards and Good Government Audits are designed to help make it politically advantageous for elected officials to want to implement good-business processes that benefit all citizens. The awards will recognize government officials and private sector leaders.
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