A host of MI Healthy Youth Initiative programs are on the docket for this fall.
First up is “Guiding Good Choices,” a University of Washington evidence-based parent program to help guide preteen and teen behavior and decision making. The five-week online program for parents of Island sixth- and seventh-graders begins on Oct. 2.
On Oct. 4, a Fentanyl Awareness Program, “What Every Parent and Teen Needs to Know About Fentanyl,” will occur from 7-8 p.m. at the Mercer Island Community and Event Center. The free event is appropriate for adults and teens.
The four-week online series PEPS for Parents of Adolescents and Teens begins on Oct. 5 (high school program) and Nov. 6 (middle school program). The series will guide parents and caregivers through an exploration of topics, including adolescent brain development, effective communication, and mental health to help adults gain the confidence they need to support their adolescent/ teen’s healthy development.
“Incredible Years Attentive Parenting” will begin on Oct. 16 and run for eight weeks in an online format. The program for parents of children ages 2-6 is an evidence-based curriculum from the University of Washington that offers parents new skills to promote children’s problem solving, social competence and emotional self-regulation, reading and school readiness.
The MI Healthy Youth Forum will take place from 7-8:30 p.m. on Nov. 8 at the Mercer Island Community and Event Center.
For more information, visit https://www.mihealthyyouth.com/