MIHS Drama Program presents Playwriting Project

The Mercer Island High School (MIHS) Drama Program’s first event of the year is the annual Playwriting Project. In cooperation with guest artists from Youth Theatre Northwest (YTN), five student playwrights have been selected to write 10-minute plays that will be directed by YTN guests and performed by their fellow classmates.

The free event will occur at 7 p.m. on Oct. 19 in the MIHS Performing Arts Center to celebrate new works by Izzy Ferrari (“SWITCHblade”), Kyle Gerstel (“Two People Wanting to Hook Up, Talking”), Paige Kirby (“Double Blind in Love”), Macie Nordberg (“Cannibal Princess”) and Tiger Yang (“Love is a Thinker”).

For more information, visit https://www.misdb.org/