MIHS student-athlete Lurie thrives in the leadership realm

Incoming junior selected to statewide LEAP committee.

Leadership is a big part of Joey Lurie’s life.

The 16-year-old incoming junior at Mercer Island High School (MIHS) said that by possessing a loud voice and an extroverted personality, she’ll take the lead in social situations if the option is available. By reading the room, she also aims to include others who wish to join her in leading the way.

Lurie will continue her leadership path as a new member of the LEAP (Leadership through Education, Activities, and Personal Development) student committee organized by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA).

She’s part of a group of eight incoming juniors from Washington high schools who will join the committee and represent their fellow students across the state at WIAA events, meetings and community projects. The 16-student team also features eight incoming seniors in their second year on the committee, which is entering its 15th year.

“Committee members serve as the voice of over 225,000 athletics and activities student participants in the state of Washington,” reads a WIAA press release. Lurie and the other newcomers will serve two-year terms on the LEAP committee, which will convene five times during the school year.

Lurie, who helped lead the school’s fastpitch softball team to the playoffs this season, noticed a LEAP committee story on the WIAA’s Instagram and decided to apply for one of the positions. She wanted to pitch in with her perspective, especially after serving as a teacher assistant to MIHS athletic coordinator Lindsey Blaine during the spring. Lurie helped organize sports schedules, engaged in discussions with Blaine regarding their respective interactions with coaches and teammates and more.

The Islander shared one of her viewpoints regarding the statewide prep sports scene.

“I think equity is a huge aspect in high school sports,” Lurie said. “I don’t think a parent who’s taking care of their kid and paying for them to do the sport should have to pay to watch their kid do that sport when parent participation is such a big and encouraged thing.”

Lurie is looking forward to meeting the other LEAP members and taking on the challenge of trying something new. Another new activity for Lurie this year was joining DECA and qualifying for the international conference. She’s so hooked on the business and marketing organization that she’ll return next year in an officer’s role.

She offered a piece of advice for incoming freshmen who want to discover what’s going on within the high school walls. There are plenty of clubs and committees to join and positions to be filled. Just for it, Lurie said.

“Just branch out and try new things and do things they wouldn’t normally think that they’d be into,” she added.