On May 15, an online survey was launched to solicit names for the new Mercer Island School District (MISD) Elementary No. 4, which is scheduled to open for the 2016-17 school year. The survey will remain open until May 31.
“I am excited that we are making the naming of our new school an inclusive process through this online survey,” said West Mercer Principal Aimee Batliner-Gillette, who will serve as the Planning Principal for the new elementary effective July 1. “Our new elementary school community will be built around this name, so the community should be involved in the process.”
The naming committee, which includes parents and students and was formed by MISD Superintendent Dr. Gary Plano, launched the survey to gather community input on potential names for the new elementary school. The committee will review submissions and make recommendations to the Mercer Island School Board for their final selection on June 25, 2015.
Elementary No. 4 name ideas can be submitted through the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NewElem or through email at EL4@mercerislandschools.org.