On January 7, there was a presentation by the King County Library System administration about construction plans for the Mercer Island Library.
Those plans called for a major renovation of the library, which, by KCLS estimates, would require construction for six months to one year, during which time the library would be closed to the public. If this current plan is implemented, it is likely that the library would be closed from Summer of 2014 to Spring or Summer of 2015.
Concerned citizens and library users are meeting on Sunday, January 12 from 1-3 p.m. in the large library conference room to discuss the construction plans and what alternate services should be offered during the closure.
There are opportunities later this month to present feedback about this construction to our Mercer Island City Council and to the King County Library System board of directors.
To see slides of the presentation on January 7, including architectural renderings of the proposed plan follow the link.