Julie K. Stein, executive director of the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, will be the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Mercer Island’s Jan. 19 virtual meeting.
The main meeting will begin at 12:45 p.m. and guests are welcome. The meeting link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4096976967Meeting ID: 409 697 6967Dialin
Stein will discuss the new Burke Museum, which “reveals Burke research and collections in a radically transparent and accessible way, and connects visitors to staff and volunteers who use them. This process is called ‘turning the museum inside out’ and establishes the Burke as a new kind of museum,” according to a press release.
Stein, who previously served as the museum’s curator of archaeology, maintains a professor position in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington, and was divisional dean of Research, Computing, and Facilities for the College of Arts and Sciences.