Subject arrested for assaulting neighbor | Mercer Island police blotter

Selected reports July 15-22.

July 22

Theft: While being confronted by employees, a shoplifter became verbally hostile at a business in the 7800 block of Southeast 28th Street.

July 21

Theft: At a business in the 7800 block of Southeast 28th Street, a shopper left their cell phone at the checkout counter and it was gone when they went back to retrieve it.

July 20

Theft: Police located and arrested a suspect at the part and ride for allegedly shoplifting alcohol from a business in the 2700 block of 77th Avenue Southeast.

July 19

Theft: Police couldn’t locate a suspect who swiped more than $200 in alcohol from a business in the 2700 block of 77th Avenue Southeast.

July 18

Theft: Someone stole a package off a porch in the 3000 block of 80th Avenue Southeast.

July 17

Assault: Police arrested a subject for assaulting a neighbor during a verbal altercation in the 3200 block of Shorewood Drive.

July 16

Theft: At a business in the 7800 block of Southeast 28th Street, a shoplifter was trespassed and returned stolen merchandise.

July 15

Fraud: A resident in the 7600 block of 85th Place Southeast didn’t fall for a recent fraud scam. The victim received a phone call and texts from scammers who had his social security number and demanded that he add a line of credit to his bank information under threat of “America will know what you’ve done.” The victim froze his credit with all three credit bureaus and notified law enforcement.