I received a package of material sent by Ira Appelman that includes copies of the actual Claim for Damages filed by Londi Lindell and a memorandum from a former mayor, Alan Merkle to Mr. Conrad, our city manager, regarding former misconduct. Thank you, Ira, for the copies.
As sleepy Islanders, we pride ourselves in ignoring city government, confident that to be on the City Council is more of a burden than a political plum, and in the context, not much can go wrong. I know one Councilmember quite well and some others in passing through kid activities, and have been content with our city government. The streets have been plowed and the parks look great.
However, if half of what Ms. Lindell has said is true, it’s time to break up the clubby atmosphere of our city in favor of a new direction and new management. If selected, Councilmembers would just leave and find something else to do, new members could affect a change in city management that should be beneficial to all of us.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Powerful special interest groups, who thrive on a compliant city, support our current leaders and there is little reason for them to change direction. So fellow Islanders, wake up! Get into the issues, sift through the candidates regardless of their financing, and let’s elect a new group! This is our mess; we are ultimately responsible for the actions of the city. Let’s throw the bums out!
Clint Chapin