Toxic awareness

While at Crossroads Mall, I was surprised—and pleased—to see table of volunteers from the Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC) talking to shoppers and gathering post cards supporting the Toxic Free Kids and Families Act.

Or, Dear Senators, Wish you were here:

While running some errands at Crossroads Mall the other week, I was surprised—and pleased—to see table of volunteers from the Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC) talking to shoppers and gathering post cards supporting the Toxic Free Kids and Families Act. As a supporter for years of the work the WTC does on behalf of our community, I have been following their efforts these last four years to pass this important legislation – seeking to ban proven toxic flame retardants from children’s products and home furnishings and ensuring that chemical companies cannot just replace one bad chemical for another.

The effort is gaining steam in the state legislature and supporters are excited with the buzz that is being generated. Recently, the House of Representative passed the bill with overwhelming bi-partisan support (72-25). Now it’s up to the Senate.

To send a clear message to area Senators Rodney Tom (R-48), Andy Hill (R-45), Steve Litzow (R-41), Pam Roach (R-31) and Joe Fain (R-47) that people want couches, chairs, child carseats, changing pads, and nap mats (among other things) to be free of toxic flame retardants, Washington Toxics Coalition volunteers were on the ground answering questions and gathering postcards from the public to be delivered to the Senator’s desks in Olympia. I saw messages written such as “These toxic chemicals are bad for our children and all of us!” and, “We shouldn’t even have to ask you these questions. There has to be a way for Washington to stop this.”

You can help by contacting your state Senator and asking them to please support the Toxic Free Kids and Families Act (ESHB 1294 and SB 6540) Find your Senator’s contact info here.

Sarah Wolz