Feb. 4
Theft: At 8:42 a.m. a woman reported that over $1,500 had been taken from her bank account on Dec. 2, 2019, but she did not find out until Jan. 31, 2020. Her bank account was closed.
Car prowl: At 9:01 a.m. a suspect entered an unlocked vehicle on the 3400 block of 79th Avenue Southeast and stole a woman’s handbag which included her wallet. The suspect used her credit card.
Fraud: At 3:46 p.m. a woman purchased Seahawks tickets off a Craigslist San Francisco advertisement. The victim sent a payment via Venmo, and did not receive tickets. She contacted Venmo who closed the seller’s account.
Feb. 5
Car prowl: At 8:32 a.m. on the 2400 block of 76th Avenue Southeast, a victim noticed his car window was smashed, and his tools costing approximately $3,000 had been stolen.
Burglary: At 8:48 a.m. on the 8700 block of Island Heights Lane, gift wrapped baby pajamas and an assortment of documents were stolen from a vehicle inside of a parking garage.
Malicious mischief: At 8:51 a.m., a victim’s car was keyed at the 2600 block of 77th Avenue Southeast.
Feb. 6
Car prowl: At 6:35 a.m. on the 3200 block of West Mercer Way, two contractors were working while a suspect smashed a window of a parked car and stole tools.
Burglary: At 7:41 a.m. on the 4300 block of West Mercer Way, a suspect entered an unoccupied house and stole a safe, which included a jewelry collection and personal documents.
Feb. 10
Minor DUI: At 6:55 a.m. a caller reported seeing underage subjects with alcohol in a BMW on the 7600 block of Southeast 27th Street. The officer contacted the vehicle while the suspects hid a beer can. All three juveniles in the vehicle admitted to consuming alcohol.
Forgery: At 7:28 a.m. at the 4200 block of East Mercer Way, a suspect stole from a mailbox which included banking checks. The suspect unsuccessfully attempted to pass the victim’s stolen, forged checks three times.
Assault: At 8:19 a.m. on the 5200 block of Forest Avenue Southeast, a victim was assaulted while at an open house viewing. A male subject was arrested for assault and battery.
Burglary: At 9:53 a.m. at the 5300 block of Butterworth Road, a male suspect wearing a white and yellow reflective vest attempted to forcefully enter the victim’s basement door, causing about $2,000 in damages.
Car Prowl: At 9:27 a.m. on the 2700 block of 78th Avenue Southeast, a vehicle’s passenger window was smashed, and a gym bag with clothing and personal accessories were stolen.
Feb. 11
Fraud: At 10:16 a.m. at the 9000 block of East Shorewood Drive, a victim was called by three subjects who posed as various law enforcement agents, stating they needed to freeze his bank accounts. They advised him to buy gift cards and provide them the details for safekeeping funds for him; the victim lost $8,000.
Car prowl: At 10:36 a.m. on the 3000 block of 80th Avenue Southeast, a victim’s rear driver-side window was smashed, and a backpack and various gym items were stolen.
Car prowl: At 10:38 a.m. on the 7600 block of Southeast 27th Street, a work van was broken into. Ten packages that included pet supplies and wine were stolen.
Car prowl: At 10:46 a.m. at the 7600 block of Southeast 27th Street, a vehicle in a parking garage was broken into. The suspect stole about $3,100 in items including electronics and clothing.
Feb. 12
Fraud: At 7:33 a.m. on the 5800 block of East Mercer Way, a suspect opened a credit account using the victim’s information. The victim lost $5,500.
Car prowl: At 7:42 a.m. a suspect shattered a car window and stole a backpack that had a laptop in it on the 2600 block of 76th Avenue Southeast.