Why do liberals belittle the Tea Party movement?

For the life of me, I can’t understand why liberals feel a need to belittle and demean conservatives. After all, it was Hillary Clinton who said that descent is the highest form of patriotism.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why liberals feel a need to belittle and demean conservatives. After all, it was Hillary Clinton who said that descent is the highest form of patriotism.

In his April 7 letter, Norman Anderson first insults the tea party movement by calling them tea baggers and then goes on to blame all the ills of our society on people who believe the federal government is usurping too much control over the American people and creating unsustainable deficits. It might surprise Mr. Anderson to learn that the Tea Party movement is comprised of a cross section of Americans, many of whom voted for President Obama. It might also surprise him to learn that liberals as well as conservatives have their cook fringe — like the recent rowdy anti-war protesters in our nation’s capital seen burning the American flag (covered on Fox News).

Helen Owens