‘Wreaths Across America’ coming to Bellevue in December

Wreathes Across America puts wreaths on the graves of veterans.

Wreaths Across America is coming Dec. 14 at Sunset Hills Memorial Park in Bellevue.

The Cascade Centennial Chapter of the Washington State Sons of the American Revolution announced that the celebration of “Wreaths Across America,” conducted annually at cemeteries across the country, will be commemorated on the Eastside at Sunset Hills Memorial Park Cemetery beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2013. On that date, wreaths will be placed on the graves of many of our veterans, honoring their long and faithful service, and lives sacrificed to safeguard our liberty.

Wreaths Across America was formed in 1992 in Harrington, Maine,  then grew to include Arlington National Cemetery.

Now, 450,000 wreaths each year are distributed across the nation.

For more, information contact gregorylucas@lucasandlucas.net.