Youth and Family Services looking for helpers

MIYFS is recruiting sponsors for its annual holiday assistance program that provides gift cards to Island children and families in need.

The City of Mercer Island Youth and Family Service Department (MIYFS) is recruiting sponsors for its annual holiday assistance program that provides gift cards to Island children and families in need. Sponsors are confidentially matched with a qualified Island family and asked to provide one gift card per child to help brighten the holiday season.

“The need for family support on the Island remains high as many families continue to struggle with the fallout from the economic downturn,” says MIYFS Family Assistance Coordinator, Cheryl Manriquez.

MIYFS focuses exclusively on providing services to the Mercer Island community and touches the lives of all Islanders through counselors in the schools, senior services, affordable family counseling, family assistance, the Food Pantry, and a thriving thrift shop.  Those interested in becoming a holiday sponsor should contact Manriquez by November 8th at (206) 275-7869 or