Alice Frances Witmer, 102, passed away on December 6, 2016.

Alice was born November 9, 1914, living her first 96 years in Denver, CO. In 2011 she moved to Mercer Island to be closer to her new great-granddaughter Alisele and the rest of her family.

Alice was married for 47 years to Robert Witmer. Following his passing at her age of 71, she spent 10 years in the loving company of Marshall “Dutch” Russell.

During the Great Depression, in lieu of graduating from high school, Alice worked in a law office and a mining engineering office to help with her family’s financial situation.

Beginning as a teenager, Alice developed an intense interest in the visual arts, including painting in oils, acrylics, water colors, ceramic sculpture and pottery, jewelry making in silver, ebony, and enamel glaze on copper. She studied, practiced, created, and taught these subjects at community centers for many years in the Denver area. She also provided designs for elaborate wrought-iron gates and color-retouched black & white photographs in the days before color photography.

In her last years on Mercer Island, she enjoyed reviewing her notes concerning mixing of water color paints and exploring how to “make” the various shades of green seen near her new home in the Emerald State.

She is survived by her only child, Daniel (with Judith), grandsons Robertson (with Becky) and David (with Sarah), and great-grandchildren, Alisele and Boden.

For Daniel and her other descendants, her most prized legacy is her example of how to construct a well-lived life with a balance of family and individual interests. She will be missed.

Memories of Alice may be found or posted at