Yvonne Mae Lamprey | Obituary

September 14, 1925 – January 22, 2025

Yvonne Mae Lamprey, beloved Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother, was born in Salt Lake City Utah September 14th, 1925, to Benjamin Willis Scott and Flora Mae Collins.

She was a self-made independent woman of conviction that was far ahead of her time. She left home as a young woman and became a dance instructor for The Arthur Murry School of Dance in Seattle. Those early years helped to form her vigorous independence. She shared a small apartment with other girls in tight financial times during World War II. Always being a good beautiful young girl, she refused the advances of many until she was finally swept off her feet by dashing young, decorated veteran, Calder M Lamprey, who returned to Seattle after the war. They were married on October 15th, 1948. Their marriage lasted over 55 years until Calder’s passing in 2003. Yvonne never lost her independence and unlike most women of her era worked vigorously in pursuit of a career. From her early beginning as a dance instructor to her later years working for Puget Power, followed by becoming a highly respected King County Court administrator and Magistrate into retirement. The surviving family is her daughter Deborah Mitchell, four grandchildren, Michael Buss, Suzanne Buss Casiano, Scott Mitchell and Kevin Mitchell and their six children. Nick named “GiGi “by her great grandchildren, she will be missed, not only by her family, but co-workers, caregivers, and neighbors alike. There is a short service for Yvonne at Tahoma National Cemetery on April 29th at 1:15 PM prior to her internment with her beloved husband Calder.