Mercer Island Special Olympics thanks benefactors

It is with deep appreciation that we thank both the Kiwanis of Mercer Island and the Storage Court of Mercer Island for their continued support of Mercer Island Special Olympics. For the past 10 years, the Kiwanis Club has offered encouragement and financial support of our Island Special Olympic teams. They annually ask us how we are doing and if we need their help. What a blessing! Some years we are getting along just fine, and other years we need replacement uniforms or equipment.

It is with deep appreciation that we thank both the Kiwanis of Mercer Island and the Storage Court of Mercer Island for their continued support of Mercer Island Special Olympics. For the past 10 years, the Kiwanis Club has offered encouragement and financial support of our Island Special Olympic teams. They annually ask us how we are doing and if we need their help. What a blessing! Some years we are getting along just fine, and other years we need replacement uniforms or equipment.

There is a certain dignity attached to not having to ask for help and being asked if we need help instead. The Kiwanis Club affords us that type of dignity. The Storage Court of Mercer Island helps us, too. They quietly sit in the background year after year and provide the greatest service possible by allowing us space to store our equipment. Without this storage, we would find it difficult to run our varying programs. We feel that we have one of the best Special Olympic programs around. We are run, for the most part, by Island parents and supported by Island citizens. We feel fortunate to be part of a caring community. Thanks!

Lucinda Soha

Mercer Island

Special Olympics