The Boys and Girls Club’s bid to build a teen facility and field house on school district land near the high school has reached a critical point. The School Board is poised to decide whether or not to grant a 50-year lease of school land to the non-profit organization.
As the PEAK project moves forward toward final approval and construction, a good deal of missinformation exists about the project. For the benefit of all, the record must be set straight.
Sustainable is a relatively new word in the vocabulary of environmental-speak. The shift in thinking is subtle but important. When considering sustainable agriculture, the benefits are obvious. Consumers are less interested in convenience and affordability and are looking for food that is healthy and locally grown. Marketers and suppliers of our food have begun to respond. But access to minimally processed and locally grown food remains limited.
Sally Garrett
Island Forum
Superintendent Cyndy Simms is leaving the Mercer Island School District this month to lead a school district in California.When she joined the district in 2003 after a succession of superintendents, Simms inherited a school district in turmoil.
Volunteering in schools goes well beyond buying cupcakes for parties.
Gennie Gebhart
Island Forum
After the Mercer Island School Board voted to approve a lease with the Boys & Girls Club to build PEAK on school district land, some people opposing the project have called for a citizen vote on the proposal. Some present at School Board meetings have decried the fact that despite opposition to PEAK, the board “ignored the wishes of the public” and voted to approve the project. But a public vote is not in order here.
Over the last several sessions, we worked consistently to find solutions for our troubled transportation and education systems.
A presentation last week by consultants hired to conduct a noise study on the effects of air traffic from the Renton Airport over Mercer Island last week was not well-received.
Beth Cordova
Island Forum
A move by The Boeing Co. to return to the Renton Municipal Airport for its expanding 737 program may end plans for the facility to become a regional corporate jet center. Many Islanders will draw a sigh of relief. Yet many questions remain. What will happen to the noise study presently underway? And can it or other measures be employed to reduce the amount of overhead aircraft noise that Islanders experience now? Let’s keep the momentum going to address these issues.
The annual Voter Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters and this newspaper is set for tonight at 7:30 at Islander Middle School. Nine candidates vying for seats on the Mercer Island City Council and the School Board will speak and answer questions.