A move by The Boeing Co. to return to the Renton Municipal Airport for its expanding 737 program may end plans for the facility to become a regional corporate jet center. Many Islanders will draw a sigh of relief. Yet many questions remain. What will happen to the noise study presently underway? And can it or other measures be employed to reduce the amount of overhead aircraft noise that Islanders experience now? Let’s keep the momentum going to address these issues.
The annual Voter Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters and this newspaper is set for tonight at 7:30 at Islander Middle School. Nine candidates vying for seats on the Mercer Island City Council and the School Board will speak and answer questions.
Aubrey Davis
Island Forum
Candidates for City Council, Maureen Judge and Patti Darling, will bring a fresh perspective to Council deliberations regarding regional needs and Island values.
Ellie Gittleman
Island Forum
As you wait patiently for your morning coffee at your local cafe, consider this.
Christa Lilly
Island Forum
Sixty years ago, two soldiers came home from war. We tell part of their stories in this issue.The men were two of the many thousands who were shipped off to war as young men, many still teenagers. They put their young lives on hold, leaving home and family to go into a great unknown — their destiny in the hands of others.
Susie Tull and Carrie George
Island Forum
It is hard to find the logic in the 4-3 decision by the City Council to cut $20,000 from the $100,000 it pays annually to Northwest Center (NWC) to operate Mary Wayte pool. But it is easy to find contradiction.
It is time to give thanks for our community of caring.
What a shock to read about Monday night’s City Council meeting! I am outraged by the motion made by El Jahncke and the subsequent votes cast by Council members Steve Litzow, Sven Goldmanis, Jahncke and Jim Pearman to reduce support funds for the Mary Wayte Pool. I appreciate the wise words of opposition by Dan Grausz and the wonderful editorial that appeared in the Mercer Island Reporter on Nov. 14, “Pool Vote Unwise.”
Rep. Judy Clibborn and Rep. Fred Jarrett
Island Forum