
myLAB Box Review: Convenient At-Home Testing for Your Health Needs

myLAB Box is an at-home health and wellness testing service.

Using myLAB Box, you can test for wellness, nutrition, fertility, STDs, and more. You test yourself at home, then enjoy free shipping to and from the lab.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about myLAB Box and how it works today in our review.

What is myLAB Box?

myLAB Box is a health testing service available through MyLABBox.com.

The service specializes in at-home health and wellness testing. You order a test online, follow the instructions to provide a sample at home, and then ship the kit to the lab.

The lab tests your sample and provides accurate results within 1 to 5 days. If you’re positive, you can choose to receive a free telemedicine consultation.

myLAB Box is a CDC-listed, FDA-registered health testing service. You can pay for tests with FSA / FHA cards. All purchases include free shipping to and from the lab.

myLAB Box’s most popular tests include the Uber Box (an 8-panel STD test priced at $199), the Women’s Health test (which checks for testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and other hormones, for $249), and the Men’s Health test (which tests testosterone, cortisol, DHEA, and estradiol levels for $199).

myLAB Box Benefits

Some of the benefits of myLAB Box include:

  • Easy, at-home health and wellness tests
  • CDC-listed, FDA-registered company
  • Accurate results within 1 to 5 days
  • Free telemedicine consultation if positive
  • Tests for sexual health, wellness, family testing, toxins, and more
  • Pay for tests with FSA / FHA cards

How Does myLAB Box Work?

myLAB Box was founded with the goal of making it as easy as possible to get the health and wellness tests you need.

Here’s how to get started with myLAB Box:

Step 1) Choose Your Test: MyLABBox.com features dozens of tests across multiple categories. Choose your test online, enter your shipping information, and pay for the test. Tests typically cost between $50 and $250, depending on the number of conditions for which you’re testing.

Step 2) Complete Test At Home: myLAB Box ships a testing kit to your home in discreet packaging. You follow the included instructions to complete your test at home. Typically, tests involve a vaginal swap, urine test, or painless finger prick. You can complete the sample collection in minutes.

Step 3) Ship to Lab & Receive Results: Package your sample back into the kit, then ship it back to the lab. The lab processes your sample and delivers accurate results within 1 to 5 days. You get results online via your myLAB Box patient profile.

If you test positive for certain communicable diseases – like STIs – then you can choose to schedule a free telemedicine consultation. A myLAB Box-affiliated doctor discusses your test results over the phone, including potential treatment options.

Test your health from home with myLAB Box. Order your kit today!

myLAB Box Tests

myLAB Box offers dozens of tests across multiple categories.

The company’s most popular tests include female and male hormone tests along with STD tests.

Here are all myLAB Box tests and categories currently available:

  • COVID & Flu
  • Wellness
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Sexual Health
  • Family Planning
  • Toxicology


MyLAB Box offers COVID and flu testing, including:

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Home Test (2-Pack): Get two rapid antigen (Ag) tests for COVID-19. These tests deliver results within 15 minutes. You perform a painless, easy swab at home. Then, you get fully lab-certified results.

COVID-19 Test—Nasal ($109): This PCR test involves an easy, shallow nasal swab and can provide results in as little as 24 hours. For positive cases, all purchases include a free physician consultation. The FDA authorizes the test.

COVID-19 Test – Saliva: This PCR test checks for samples of the COVID-19 virus in your saliva. You get results in as little as 24 hours. MyLAB Box’s P23 COVID-19 At-Home Test followed the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) standards for COVID-19 testing.


MyLAB Box is also known for its wellness tests. You can check your vitamin and nutrient levels, screen for colorectal cancer, get a metabolism or cholesterol test, and more.

MyLAB Box currently offers 16 wellness tests, including:

  • Vitamin D ($89): Vitamin D is crucial for immune function, hormone production, bone health, and cellular health, among other areas of health and wellness. MyLAB Box’s vitamin D test provides you with fast results from the lab: perform a finger prick at home then send the sample to the lab.
  • Thyroid Health Screening ($125): Your thyroid produces hormones essential for metabolism. If you have thyroid dysfunction, then you could have low energy or chronic fatigue issues. MyLAB Box’s thyroid health screening test checks for symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism via a simple, at-home blood test.
  • At-Home Indoor / Outdoor Allergy Test ($199): Test yourself for allergies at home and get fast results from the lab with MyLAB Box’s allergy test. The test checks your response to allergens like grasses (like Bermuda grass, cultivated oat grass, and timothy grass), weeds (like ragweed, dandelion, and mugwort), trees (like birch, oak, and white ash), molds (like candida albicans, and Cladosporium herbarium), and other allergens (like cat dander, cockroach, dog danger, dust mites, feathers, and more). The test uses IgE reactivity to check your response to 33 allergens.
  • Food Sensitivity Test ($149): Food sensitivities affect people worldwide. MyLAB Box’s food sensitivity test checks your reaction to 96 common foods using your blood. The test checks your blood for antibodies to determine if you may be sensitive. Each test checks for sensitivity to dairy, grains/legumes/nuts, vegetables, eggs/meat/poultry, fruit, herbs/spices, fish/crustacea/mollusk, candida, and other common foods (like yeast, button mushroom, cane sugar, cocoa bean, or coffee bean, among others).
  • Weight Loss Test ($239): With separate versions for men and women, the MyLAB Box weight loss test provides a comprehensive look at hormones and biomarkers linked to weight loss. The test checks for current E2, testosterone/progesterone, Pg, DHEA, cortisol, TSH, and HbA1c, for example – all of which have a significant role in weight loss in the male and female body. If you’ve experienced abnormal body weight fluctuations, MyLAB Box’s weight loss test could be right for you.
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening ($79): You can screen yourself for colorectal cancer at home. The test is available for men and women and helps identify precancerous growths in your colon. To do that, the test identifies traces of blood (hemoglobin) in your stool via a fecal immunochemical test (FIT). The presence of blood with certain biomarkers in your stool could indicate an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Cholesterol Test ($89): myLAB Box’s cholesterol test is a simple, at-home test for your cholesterol levels. You provide a finger prick sample of your blood at home (MyLAB Box recommends fasting for 12 hours before giving a sample). The test checks for triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, and LDL.
  • Metabolism Test ($99): myLAB Box offers a metabolism test. With separate versions for men and women, the test checks your blood (via a finger prick) for crucial biomarkers like cortisol, testosterone/progesterone, and TSH. Thyroid-stimulating hormones (TSH) and other hormones can impact your metabolism, playing a crucial role in weight loss and energy.
  • Heart Health Test ($99): myLAB Box’s heart health tests check cholesterol, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), and HBA1c levels, all of which influence the risk of heart disease. By monitoring these biomarkers, you could monitor your risk for coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and other health risks.
  • Inflammation Test ($99): myLAB Box’s at-home inflammation test checks for biomarkers linked to inflammation, including high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) and vitamin D. These biomarkers show whether or not your body can fight inflammation. Some people take this test because of fatigue, joint pain, high blood pressure, brain fog, and other general symptoms that could be caused by inflammation.
  • Adrenal Stress Test ($149): myLAB Box’s adrenal stress test checks biomarkers linked to adrenal health. Your adrenal glands, or stress glands, help your body respond to stressors. Provide a saliva sample 4 times throughout the day using the kit to check your cortisol and DHEA levels. By monitoring these biomarkers throughout the day, you can see how your body is impacted by stress.
  • Skin Vitality Test ($209): The myLAB Box skin vitality test checks for biomarkers linked to skin aging, skin elasticity, and overall skin appearance. The test checks your levels of estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, cortisol, TSH, and vitamin D. Depending on levels of these biomarkers, you could have an increased risk of skin aging. Just provide a blood sample via a finger prick at home to check these biomarkers.
  • Sleep & Stress Test ($199): Have trouble sleeping? Are you concerned about how stress is impacting your body? The myLAB Box sleep and stress test comprehensively assesses current melatonin levels. Your body produces melatonin to help it fall asleep. If you’re not making adequate melatonin, you may struggle to sleep.
  • Anti-Aging Test: myLAB Box’s anti-aging test checks your blood for biomarkers linked to aging. Provide a blood sample via finger prick, and myLAB Box’s affiliated lab checks for levels of estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, triglycerides, and cholesterol, providing a comprehensive look at how your body is aging. Abnormal levels of these biomarkers could indicate an increased risk of certain conditions.
  • Fitness Test ($225): The MyLAB Box fitness test, which has separate versions for men and women, checks for hormones and biomarkers linked to general health and fitness. You provide a blood sample at home, and the test checks for progesterone, DHEA, cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), and vitamin D.
  • Diabetes HbA1C Test ($74): Check your hemoglobin A1C (HbA1) levels to determine if you’re pre-diabetic. The test measures the blood sugar (glucose) attached to hemoglobin. If levels are in a certain elevated range, then it could be a sign of pre-diabetes or diabetes. Some order multiple tests to check their three-month HbA1C average.

Women’s Health

myLAB Box offers three women’s health tests, including perimenopause, postmenopause, and general women’s health tests:

  • Perimenopause ($99): The myLAB Box perimenopause test checks for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, and progesterone levels in your blood. Abnormal levels of these biomarkers could indicate changes in metabolism, bone loss, sex drive, sleep, or memory issues. Provide a blood sample via finger prick to get insight.
  • Postmenopause ($99): The myLAB Box postmenopause test checks for estradiol and progesterone levels. You can ensure your hormones are on track after menopause. Abnormal levels could lead to changes in metabolism, bone loss, sex drive, and cognition, among other areas.
  • Women’s Health & Fertility Test ($249): The comprehensive women’s health and fertility test checks for 11 important hormones linked to overall women’s health. If one or more of these hormones are imbalanced, they could be contributing to certain symptoms – or affecting fertility. The test checks cortisol, DHEA, estradiol, FSH, LH, progesterone, testosterone, TPO, TSH, T3, and T4.

Men’s Health

myLAB Box offers a single, comprehensive men’s health test:

Men’s Health: The myLAB Box at-home men’s health test is popular for men concerned with “male menopause,” or the drop in testosterone and rise in estrogen that typically occurs in your 40s and 50s. The test checks estradiol, DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone levels, all of which can contribute to symptoms of “male menopause” – like low energy and changes in sex drive.

Sexual Health

myLAB Box is well-known for its sexual health testing services. With a simple vaginal swab or urine sample, you can get insight into your sexual health, STI symptoms, and more.

Most kits are designed for individual use at home. However, myLAB Box also offers a “Love Box” kit for couples, allowing you to get test results simultaneously.

Sexual health tests available with myLAB Box include:

  • Uber Box – 8 Panel STD Test Kit ($199): myLAB Box’s Uber Box is one of the company’s most popular at-home sexual health testing kits. The kit tests for eight common STDs. Available in male or female versions, myLAB Box checks for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, HIV (I and II), herpes simplex 2, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. You provide urine and blood samples, then get results within days.
  • Total Box – 14 Panel STD Test Kit ($369): If you want to test against a broader range of STDs, then myLAB Box’s Total Box may be the right choice. The box is available in four versions, including male, female, without HPV, and with HPV for women 30+. You provide a urine sample, rectal swab, oral swab, and blood sample. The test checks for chlamydia (genital, throat, and rectal), gonorrhea (genital, throat, and rectal), hepatitis C, HIV (I and II), syphilis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma genitalium, HPV (optional), and herpes.
  • Safe Box – 5-Panel STD Test Kit ($169): Available for men or women, the 5-panel STD test kit from myLAB Box is the company’s #1 product. It analyzes your blood and urine to check for the five most common STIs and STIs in the United States. You get results for chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and HIV I and II. The first three are treatable when detected early, so testing is crucial.
  • V-Box – 5-Panel Vaginal Health Test Pack ($189): myLAB Box offers its popular V-Box to check your vaginal health. Some order the test after finding an unusual discharge. The test checks for bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Provide the sample in under 5 minutes to get the insight you need.
  • Herpes Test ($89): myLAB Box offers a hassle-free, at-home herpes test. You get the kit at home, then get results within 2 to 5 days. All purchases include a free physician consultation by phone upon request. Provide a blood sample, via a finger prick, to get the insight you need.
  • Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Test ($79): myLAB Box offers a discreet, at-home chlamydia and gonorrhea test. The 100% pain-free test provides results within 2 to 5 days, with no in-person visits or awkward conversations required. Use the included test kit to provide a urine sample.
  • 3-Site Chlamydia & Gonorrhea ($179): myLAB Box’s 3-Site Chlamydia and Gonorrhea test kit includes the same base urine test above while checking for STDs at extragenital sites. You provide a urine sample, oral swab, and rectal swab to check for gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • HIV I & II Test ($79): Check for the presence of HIV I and II via a discreet, at-home finger prick blood test. According to myLAB Box, the test is 99.9% accurate and as reliable as tests used by doctors and hospitals. You get discreet, fast results within 2 to 5 days.
  • Syphilis Test ($89): Test for the 8th most common STI in the world with myLAB Box’s discreet, at-home syphilis test. The test lets you screen for syphilis in 5 minutes or less from the comfort of home. Just use the included finger prick to provide a blood sample.
  • HPV Test Kit ($89): myLAB Box’s HPV test kit checks for the #1 most common STD in the world. The test is exclusively available for women 30 years or older.
  • Trichomoniasis Test Kit ($89): Trichomoniasis is the world’s third most common STD. Known colloquially as trich, the STD can be detected with a simple genital swab test. Your myLAB Box kit includes everything you need to test for trich and get insight.
  • Cervical Cancer Screening ($89): myLAB Box’s cervical cancer screening test checks for 14 types of genital high-risk HPV, including the two specific types (HPV-16 and HPV-18) linked to the highest risk of cervical cancer. Previously, you would need a Pap smear or Pap test, along with HPV testing, to check for this risk. With myLAB Box, you can perform a test discreetly at home.
  • UTI Test Kit ($59): Test for a urinary tract infection from home and get results in 2 minutes or less. There’s no need to return the results to the lab: the kit includes everything you need to test yourself and get results at home. UTIs, when left untreated, can lead to kidney infections, permanent kidney damage, sepsis, and narrowing of the urethra.
  • PrEP Box ($225): myLAB Box offers a PrEP box or an at-home pre-exposure prophylaxis test kit. You can track sexual and personal health while taking advantage of a new way to help prevent getting HIV. If you plan to continue taking PrEP for HIV prevention, then you need to take this test every three months. The kit tests for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, chlamydia (rectal and genital), gonorrhea (rectal, oral, and genital), creatinine, and pregnancy (women only).
  • Love Box for Couples ($378): myLAB Box offers a unique sexual health testing kit called the Love Box. You get two complete 8-panel STD tests, allowing you and your partner to get peace of mind from the comfort of home. The tests check for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, HIV (I and II), herpes simplex 2, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. You can order test kits for males and females, two males, or two females.
  • Hepatitis B ($99): Test for hepatitis B at home and get results within 1 to 5 days. Provide a blood sample using the included finger prick to get started.
  • Hepatitis C ($79): Test for hepatitis C and get results within 2 to 5 days. For positive cases, all purchases include a free telehealth consultation.
  • Boomer Box for Seniors ($189): myLAB Box’s Boomer Box tests for the most common STDs in older adults, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, and HIV I and II. Use the included test kit to provide a urine and blood sample, and you’ll get results within days.
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium: myLAB Box is the first to offer an at-home mycoplasma genitalium test kit, according to the official website. Mycoplasma genitalium is a relatively new STI that has become more common in recent years. First detected in the 1980s, mycoplasma genitalium infections are often asymptomatic. The test is available for men and women: men provide a urine sample, while women provide a vaginal swab. A lab detects mycoplasma genitalium using a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) and PCR methodology.

Family Planning

myLAB Box offers five family planning tests, including female fertility tests, male fertility tests, and tests for other biomarkers.

myLAB Box’s family planning tests include:

  • Male Fertility Test ($89): Get a private semen testing kit at home, then get a video of your sample when it’s returned to the lab. Your purchase includes a testing device, two semen analysis test kits, semen sample collection cups, and a free fertility improvement app. The lab checks your sperm count, providing complete information about your MSC and score within days.
  • Ovulation Confirmation Test ($32): myLAB Box’s ovulation confirmation tests measure PdG, or progesterone metabolite, in urine to confirm ovulation in 5 minutes at home. Your kit includes 5 test strips (to test 1 cycle). You also get access to a fertility tracking app.
  • Testosterone Test Kit ($79): myLAB Box’s testosterone test kit tests for the primary male sex hormone from the comfort of home. Available for men or women, the testosterone test provides results within 2 to 5 days. Testosterone plays an essential role in the male and female body. Although women typically have 5% to 10% of the testosterone of men, they need testosterone for crucial functions – like bone health, breast health, and fertility.
  • Female Fertility Test ($149): myLAB Box’s female fertility test tests for crucial biomarkers linked to female fertility, including estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone.
  • Ovarian Reserve Test ($99): myLAB Box’s ovarian reserve test measures the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in a woman’s blood. You provide a blood sample via a finger prick at home and then ship the sample to the lab using the included packaging.


Are heavy metals affecting your health? Do you have an excessive amount of certain toxins in your blood? Would you test positive for illicit drugs on a drug test? myLAB Box offers heavy metal testing, comprehensive drug testing, and five and 10-panel drug testing, among other testing services.

myLAB Box’s four toxicology tests include:

  • Heavy Metals Screening Test: myLAB Box offers a discreet, at-home heavy metal screening test. The test checks for levels of 10 potentially harmful metals in your blood, including arsenic, bromine, cadmium, creatinine, iodine, lithium, magnesium, mercury, selenium, and zinc. Whether your workplace has higher exposure to heavy metals or you’re concerned about toxicity, a heavy metals screening test could give you valuable insight.
  • 5 Panel Drug Test: myLAB Box’s 5-panel drug test checks for cocaine, amphetamine/methamphetamine, opiates (like morphine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and heroin), phencyclidine / PCP, and THC (marijuana). Some request a test before an employment test, for example. Others do it for sports, legal purposes, forensic purposes, or for monitoring opioid use, among others.
  • 10-Panel Drug Test: myLAB Box also offers a 10-panel drug test. The test checks for the same 5 common drugs listed above along with oxycodone/oxymorphone, methadone, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and diazepam.
  • Comprehensive Drug Test: myLAB Box’s largest drug test is the comprehensive drug test. You provide a urine sample, and the drug test checks for 12 drugs commonly used in pre-employment tests, including all 10 drugs in the test above along with ecstasy and fentanyl.

myLAB Box Features

There are other at-home testing services available today. Why pick myLAB Box? What makes myLAB Box unique?

Here are some of the features that distinguish myLAB Box from competitors:

  • Free Telemedicine Consultation If Positive: If you test positive for a specific disease or illness, you can receive a free telemedicine consultation through myLAB Box. During that telemedicine consultation, a provider explains your diagnosis and potential treatment options.
  • Free Shipping to and From Lab on Orders Over $150: When you buy a myLAB Box test online for more than $150, your purchase includes free shipping to your address and free shipping back to the testing lab.
  • CDC-Listed, FDA-Registered: myLAB Box is a well-known, registered name in the health and wellness testing space.
  • Pay for Tests with FSA / FHA Cards: If you have qualifying health savings accounts, you can use those accounts to pay for myLAB Box tests.
  • Accurate Results Within 1 to 5 Days: After you return your myLAB Box kit to the lab, you should receive accurate results within 1 to 5 days.
  • Private, Discreet, At-Home Testing: One of the most significant benefits of myLAB Box is the ability to test yourself at home without visiting a lab in person. It’s a private, discreet, at-home testing service.
  • Painless Sample Collection: Your myLAB Box kit includes everything you need to provide a sample. Typically, you only need to provide a vaginal swab, a small urine sample, or a painless finger prick to provide a sample.
  • 6 to 12 Month Expiration: Some order multiple myLAB Box testing kits to check their progress over time. You might buy multiple testosterone tests, for example, to test your progress as you implement a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • Available in All 50 States: myLAB Box is currently available to customers across the United States.
  • CAP & CLIA-Certified Affiliate Labs: MyLAB Box works with quality affiliated labs across the United States, including CAP and CLIA-certified labs that maintain HIPAA standards.

Get easy at-home health testing with myLAB Box—order your kit today!

myLAB Box Reviews: What Do Users Say?

myLAB Box is one of the best-known online health and wellness testing services. Thousands of patients across the United States have used myLAB Box to get insight into their sexual health, fertility, hormones, health biomarkers, and more.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified users online:

myLAB Box has an Amazon page with hundreds of reviews across its dozens of popular tests. Generally, tests have a rating of 3.0 to 4.0 stars, with many customers finding the tests work as advertised to provide valuable insight into health.

Many of the negative reviews for myLAB Box come from people disappointed with turnaround times. myLAB Box claims to offer test results within 1 to 5 days. However, many users claim to have waited 10 days or longer without receiving results.

myLAB Box also sells tests through Walmart’s online store, where the company has similar scores to Amazon. myLAB Box’s COVID-19 at-home test is viral on Walmart.com.

Healthline recently published a review of myLAB Box, praising its comprehensive sexual health testing and competitive prices.

myLAB Box has a 1 star out of 5 review score and an F rating from the Better Business Bureau – although the company has just 9 published BBB reviews. Reviewers have complained about the length of time it takes to receive test results.

The CDC’s National Prevention Information Network lists myLAB Box as a testing organization for those with infectious diseases.

myLAB Box has a 3.1 star out of 5 score from Trustpilot with 320+ reviews. Most customers (58%) gave the company a perfect 5-star rating, although a significant number gave it a 1-star rating. 5-star reviewers praise the company for its effective testing, easy-to-use kits, and fast results. Negative reviewers complain about high prices and long response times.

On Reddit, users tend to have good things to say about myLAB Box, particularly in individual communities dedicated to herpes, HPV, and other STIs. Although some recommend avoiding at-home tests because of the risk of false positives, others find the tests are accurate, reliable, and affordable.

Test for STDs, hormones, and more at home—shop myLAB Box now!

About myLAB Box

myLAB Box is a company headquartered in Los Angeles, California. The company was founded in 2024.

myLAB Box identifies as a female-owned business. Crunchbase lists two women as founders and CEOs, including Lora Ivanova and Ursula Hessenflow.

You can contact myLAB Box via the following:

  • Phone: (800) 856-9522
  • Email: customerservice@mylabbox.com
  • Registered Address: 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 214, Los Angeles, CA 90068, USA

Final Word

myLAB Box is an at-home health and wellness testing service offering STD, hormone, and illness tests.

By ordering online today, you can answer your health questions. All purchases include free shipping to and from the lab, and it’s painless and easy to collect samples at home discreetly.

Visit the official website to learn more about myLAB Box and how it works or to order a testing kit online today.


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